Hey, my name is Caleb Wood. I’m an artist primarily working in animation and game development. My animated short films have participated in festivals internationally. I’ve created animated works for Adult Swim, Animal Collective, Dan Deacon, Lightning Bolt, Vice, Dungeons and Dragons, and various other clients. I can’t stop making stuff.

  • "Wake" 2010

    "Little Wild" 2010

    "Stay Home" 2011

    "Candy" 2011

    ”Mobile" 2012

    "Autoplay" 2012

    "Bird Shit" 2013

    "Rat Trap" 2013

    "YIELD" 2013

    "Goodbye Rabbit, Hop Hop" 2013

    "Teeter See Totter Saw" 2014

    “Plumb” 2014

    “TOTEM” 2014

    “One More” 2014

    “Dumb Run” 2014

    “Swap Meet” 2015

    “Art History In Motion” 2015

    “Flukes and Tatters” 2015

    “GEORAMA” 2016

    “Anon Mation” 2016

    “River of Death” 2017

    “Chimera” 2018

    “BLOW TO THE HEAD” 2019

    “SHUT EYE” 2023

  • 2010 Society of Illustrators student scholarship animation competition: "Wake" 1st place

    2011 Society of Illustrators student scholarship animation competition: "Little Wild" 1st place

    2012 Society of Illustrators student scholarship animation competition: "Stay Home" 3rd place

    Bryant University Student Film Festival 2010, judges choice award: "Little Wild"

    Emerging Filmmakers Series at Boston Center for the Arts 2011: Retrospective

    New England Animators screening at the ICA in Boston 2011: "Wake"

    Kids First! Film Festival 2011, official selection: "Little Wild"

    Kids First! FIRST PLACE, INDIE SHORT, AGES 2-5 "Little Wild"

    World Kids Film Festival 2011, official selection, lessons of darkness: "Stay Home"

    Animation Block Party 2011, official selection: "Stay Home"

    Punto y Raya festival  dot&line 2011, official selection: "Broken"

    International Stuttgart Trickfilm Festival 2011, official selection: "Little Wild"

    Ottawa International Animation Festival 2011, official selection: "Stay Home"

    LaD Matters Festival 2011, official selection: "Stay Home"

    Scribble Junkies 2011: "Stay Home"

    Reykjavik International Film Festival 2011, official selection: "Stay Home", "Little Wild"

    Laterna Magica 2011, official selection in Les Petites Forms: "Stay Home", "Little Wild"

    Laterna Magica 2012, official selection: "Mobile"

    Melbourne International Animation Festival 2012, Official selection: "Stay Home", Audience Choice Award

    File Anima+ 2012 official selection: "Little Wild"

    KLIK! International Animation Festival of Amsterdam 2012 Official selection: "Stay Home"

    SODAK international animation festival 2012, official selection: "MOBILE"

    Square Lake Film Festival, Minnesota, 2012: "Stay Home"

    Primanima World Festival of First Animations, 2012, official selection: "Stay Home"

    Braunschweig International Film Festival 2012, Leo Short Film Music Competition: "Stay Home"

    Animpact Animation Festival, Best of Best Animation Competition 2012: "Stay Home"

    Minnanimate 2012, official selection: "Stay Home"

    Toronto animation film festival international 2013: "bird shit", "mobile"

    Ottawa International Animation Festival 2013, official selection: "Bird Shit"

    Square Lake Film Festival, Minnesota, 2013: Second place, "Bird Shit"

    Minnanimate 2013, Official selection: "Worm", "Bird Shit"

    “Illustrators 55” Official selection: "Wake", "Stay Home", "Little Wild" (Gold Medal)

    TAAFI 2013 official selection: "Mobile", "Birdshit" Best of TAAFI 2013 selection

    Minneapolis St. Paul International Film Festival 2013, official selection: "Stay Home"

    Ann Arbor Film Festival 2013, official selection: "Stay Home"

    Animated Dreams (Talin, Estonia) 2013 official selection: "Mobile"

    Ottawa International Animation Festival 2013, Official selection: “Bird Shit”

    Black Maria Film Fest 2014: “YIELD” 3rd place Directors Choice

    Japan Media Arts Festival 2014: official selection “Bird Shit”

    International Film Festival for Children And Youth 2014: official selection "Goodbye Rabbit, Hop Hop" "Little Wild"

    Festival EXIT 2014, micro/macro: Official selection "Goodbye Rabbit, Hop Hop"

    Florida Film Festival 2014 official selection: "YIELD"

    Animation Breakdown 2014 official selection: "Teeter See Totter Saw"

    Pictoplasma Berlin 2014 official selection: "Rat Trap"

    Minneapolis St. Paul International Film Festival 2014 official selection: "YIELD"

    TAAFI 2014 official selection: "Goodbye Rabbit, Hop Hop"

    Square Lake Film and Music Festival 2014: Second Place “YIELD” Honorable Mention “Totem”, official selection: “Teeter See Totter Saw” “Goodbye Rabbit Hop Hop

    Rooftop Films 2014 official selection: "Goodbye Rabbit, Hop Hop"

    Festival Animedia 2014 official selection: "Goodbye Rabbit, Hop Hop"

    Ottawa International Animation Festival 2014, Official Selections: “Totem” “YIELD” “Goodbye Rabbit, Hop Hop” Additional screening of “Rat Trap”. Honorable Mention Award for “Totem”. Hut installation, and creation of “Flukes and Tatters”

    London International Animation Festival 2014, Official Selections: “Rat Trap”, “Bird Shit”.

    GIRAF 2014 official selection: “Goodbye Rabbit, Hop Hop”

    Animation Block Party 2014, Official Selection: “Goodbye Rabbit, Hop Hop”

    Hiroshima International Animation Festival 2014, Official selection: “YIELD”

    New Chitose Airport International Animation Festival 2014, Official Selections: “Goodbye Rabbit, Hop Hop”, “YIELD”

    Cut-Out Animation Festival 2014, official selection: “Totem”

    Minnanimate 2014 official selection: “Teeter See Totter Saw”, “Goodbye Rabbit, Hop Hop”, “Yield”, “Totem”, “Plumb”


    Animated Dreams 2014 official selection: “YIELD”, “Goodbye Rabbit, Hop Hop”

    Les Sommets du cinéma d'animation 2014 official selection: “YIELD”

    Animpact 2014 official selection: “Totem”

    EyeWorks Film Festival 2014 Special Guest: Screening Retrospective

    Flatpack Film Festival 2014: “Goodbye Rabbit, Hop Hop”

    GIRAF 2014 official selection “Goodbye Rabbit, Hop Hop” “Yield”

    Anima Mundi 2014 official selection: “Goodbye Rabbit, Hop Hop”

    OIAF 2015: “Swap Meet”

    Animafest Zagreb 2015: The World of Lewis Carrol program selection “Goodbye Rabbit, Hop Hop” Official Selection: “Totem”

    Japan Media Arts Festival 2015: official selection “Goodbye Rabbit, Hop Hop

    Minneapolis St. Paul International Film Festival 2015: Official Selection: “Goodbye Rabbit, Hop Hop”

    Eyeworks 2015: “Art History In Motion”

    IFF Bratislava 2015: “Goodbye Rabbit, Hop Hop”

    GIRAF 2015: Full Retrospective

    Big Cartoon Festival, Moscow 2015: “Totem”

    Festival ISI 2015: “Tiny Car”

    Cafe des Images Best of animation 2015: “Yield”

    New Chitose Airport Animation Festival 2015: “When I Was Done Dying” “TOTEM”

    Manipulate Visual Theatre Festival 2016: “PLUMB”

    Fest Anca 2016: “Goodbye Rabbit, Hop Hop”

    54th Ann Arbor Film Festival 2016: “Goodbye Rabbit, Hop Hop”

    Michael Moore”s Traverse City Film Festival 2016: “Goodbye Rabbit, Hop Hop”

    Rush Process Festival of Handcrafted Animation 2016, Invisible Ink Programme: “Dumb Run”

    Center Pompidou Mon Œil 2016: “Goodbye Rabbit, Hop Hop” “TeeterSeeTotterSaw”

    Peephole Cinema 2016: “Bird Shit”

    House of Yes 2016: Retrospective

    MIAF 2016: “Swap Meet”

    Filmfest Dresden 2016: “YIELD”

    Oldtown Film Festival in Fort Collins 2016: “Goodbye rabbit, Hop Hop”

    Yebisu Festival 2016: “TeeterSeeTotterSaw” “Totem”

    GEORAMA 2016: Full Retrospective

    OIAF 2016: “Flukes and Tatters” Signal Film

    Punto y Raya Festival 2017 Junior Programme: “Bird Shit”

    New Chitose Airport International Animation Festival 2017: “ANON MATION”

    Kunstdünger EV 2017: “Bird Shit”

    Animated Curiosities 2017: “Bird Shit” “Swap Meet”

    St. Cloud Film Festival 2017: “ANON MATION”

    New Chitose Airport International Animation Festival 2017: “River of Death”

    OIAF 2017: Priit Tender curated program “Anon Mation” Keltie Duncan Animation Techniques programme “Bird Shit”

    Drawing Center in New York 2017 - Online Gallery showcase: “ANON MATION”

    Sweaty Eyeballs 2017: “ANON MATION”

    Midwest Independent Film Festival 2017: “One More”

    GLAS 2017: “Bird Shit” official selection

    Turku Animated Film Festival 2018: “Goodbye Rabbit, Hop Hop”

    Savonlinna International Nature Film Festival 2018: “Goodbye Rabbit, Hop Hop”

    Centre Pompidou Mon Œil 2018: “Little Wild”

    Northampton Film Festival 2018: “Goodbye Rabbit, Hop Hop”

    Punto y Raya Festival 2018 JUNIOR Programme: “Bird Shit” “Mobile”

    GLAS 2019: “Chimera” official selection

    Mills Gallery Boston, The Skin Has Eyes Exhibition 2019: “Totem”

    Animafest Zagreb 2019: “CHIMERA”

    GIRAF Animation fest 2019: “CHIMERA”

    London International animation festival 2019: “BLOW TO THE HEAD”